44 research outputs found

    Smart Packaging in Intralogistics: An Evaluation Study of Human-Technology Interaction in Applying New Collaboration Technologies

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    Handling and packaging of heterogeneous products with different weights and sizes with optimal packaging schemes is a challenging task for the e-commerce industry. Furthermore, to keep the packaging process on a standardized level independent of the experience level of the employee, the demand of digital human-centered solutions is increasing. Against this background, two different digital assistance systems to indicate packaging order and scheme – Augmented Reality (AR) based data glasses and a LED based packaging assistant - were developed. In a laboratory study the interaction between human and both digital devices regarding subjective workload, usability, user experience, physical complaints and objective measurements was evaluated – with a conventional paper list as control group. Results indicate that both the AR and LED interface are appropriate solutions to assist warehouse workers in packaging. However, it can be supposed that the LED interface seems to be a better method in terms of physical and especially visual strains

    „Hamburger Note zur Digitalisierung des kulturellen Erbes“

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    Das Recht, insbesondere das Urheberrecht, hat große Auswirkungen darauf, was von dem großen Reichtum unseres kulturellen Erbes im kollektiven Gedächtnis verbleibt. In der digitalen Welt, in der alles Kopie und damit – im urheberrechtlichen Sinne – Vervielfältigung ist, ist auch jede Nutzung des kulturellen Erbes urheberrechtlich relevant. Auf der anderen Seite leben wir in Zeiten einer rasanten Medienentwicklung und eines Überflusses an Informationen, Bildern, Filmen und Texten. Umso größer ist die Herausforderung, die Erinnerung an unser kulturelles Erbe wachzuhalten. Es ist also eine Frage der kulturellen Selbstbehauptung, wie die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen für den Umgang mit unserem kulturellen Erbe gesetzt werden. Was nicht online gefunden werden kann, wird zunehmend verschwinden. Insofern können die Auswirkungen eines unausgewogenen Urheberrechts, das das kulturelle Erbe nicht ausreichend berücksichtigt, dramatisch sein. Dieses Buch versammelt verschiedene Vorschläge und Überlegungen, wie die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen geändert werden können, um eine stärkere Präsenz auch des urheberrechtlich geschützten kulturellen Erbes im Netz zu ermöglichen. Verfasst sind diese Vorschläge von Experten aus den Gedächtnisinstitutionen sowie aus der Rechtswissenschaft und Politik, mithin von Autoren, die mit den internationalen Rahmenbedingungen und dem urheberrechtlichen Diskurs in Deutschland gut vertraut sind.The law, in particular copyright, has a major impact on what remains in collective memory of the great wealth of our cultural heritage. In the digital world where everything is copy and therefore - in the sense of copyright - reproduction, every use of the cultural heritage is also relevant under copyright law. On the other hand, we live in times of rapid media development and an abundance of information, images, films and texts. This is why the challenge of keeping the memory of our cultural heritage alive is all the greater. It is therefore a question of cultural self-assertion how the legal framework conditions for dealing with our cultural heritage are set. What cannot be found online will increasingly disappear. In this respect, the effects of an unbalanced copyright law that does not take sufficient account of cultural heritage can be dramatic. This book brings together various proposals and reflections on how to change the legal framework in order to increase the presence of copyrighted cultural heritage on the Internet. These proposals are written by experts from memory institutions, law and politics, and thus by authors who are well acquainted with the international framework conditions and copyright discourse in Germany

    Dairying, diseases and the evolution of lactase persistence in Europe

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    Update notice Author Correction: Dairying, diseases and the evolution of lactase persistence in Europe (Nature, (2022), 608, 7922, (336-345), 10.1038/s41586-022-05010-7) Nature, Volume 609, Issue 7927, Pages E9, 15 September 2022In European and many African, Middle Eastern and southern Asian populations, lactase persistence (LP) is the most strongly selected monogenic trait to have evolved over the past 10,000 years(1). Although the selection of LP and the consumption of prehistoric milk must be linked, considerable uncertainty remains concerning their spatiotemporal configuration and specific interactions(2,3). Here we provide detailed distributions of milk exploitation across Europe over the past 9,000 years using around 7,000 pottery fat residues from more than 550 archaeological sites. European milk use was widespread from the Neolithic period onwards but varied spatially and temporally in intensity. Notably, LP selection varying with levels of prehistoric milk exploitation is no better at explaining LP allele frequency trajectoriesthan uniform selection since the Neolithic period. In the UK Biobank(4,5) cohort of 500,000 contemporary Europeans, LP genotype was only weakly associated with milk consumption and did not show consistent associations with improved fitness or health indicators. This suggests that other reasons for the beneficial effects of LP should be considered for its rapid frequency increase. We propose that lactase non-persistent individuals consumed milk when it became available but, under conditions of famine and/or increased pathogen exposure, this was disadvantageous, driving LP selection in prehistoric Europe. Comparison of model likelihoods indicates that population fluctuations, settlement density and wild animal exploitation-proxies for these drivers-provide better explanations of LP selection than the extent of milk exploitation. These findings offer new perspectives on prehistoric milk exploitation and LP evolution.Peer reviewe

    Belastungsschwerpunkte von Erwerbstätigen in der Intralogistik

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    Infolge der wachsenden Globalisierung gewinnt die Logistikbranche zunehmend an Bedeutung. Insbesondere der Teilbereich „Intralogistik“ rückt durch die modernen Anforderungen an die Logistik immer mehr in den Fokus. Basierend auf der BIBB/BAuA-Erwerbstätigenbefragung 2012 werden häufige psychische und physische Anforderungen sowie Arbeitsumgebungsbedingungen von Lagerarbeiter/-innen dargestellt